Security Policy

Supported Versions

We actively support the following versions of the AI Blog Article Generator. If you are using an older version, we strongly recommend updating to the latest version to ensure you have the latest security patches.

Reporting a Vulnerability

We take security issues seriously. If you discover a vulnerability in this project, please follow the steps below to report it:

  1. Do Not Disclose Publicly:

    • Do not open a public issue or share details of the vulnerability in any public forum. This helps prevent the vulnerability from being exploited before a patch is released.

  2. Send a Detailed Report:

    • Send an email to [] with the following details:

      • A clear and concise description of the vulnerability.

      • Steps to reproduce the issue.

      • The impact of the vulnerability.

      • Any potential fixes or patches you may have.

  3. Acknowledgment:

    • You will receive an acknowledgment of your report within 48 hours.

  4. Response Time:

    • We will prioritize the vulnerability and work on a fix as quickly as possible. You will be kept informed of our progress.

  5. Credit:

    • If you would like to be credited for discovering the vulnerability, please let us know, and we will include your name in the release notes, unless you prefer to remain anonymous.

Security Best Practices

To ensure the security of your installation, we recommend the following best practices:

  • Keep Dependencies Updated:

    • Regularly update all dependencies and third-party libraries to the latest versions.

  • Use Strong API Keys:

    • Ensure your Cohere API key is stored securely and is not hardcoded in your codebase. Use environment variables or configuration files with restricted access.

  • Access Control:

    • Limit access to the server or system running the AI Blog Article Generator to trusted users only.

  • Regular Audits:

    • Periodically audit the security of your installation, including checking for vulnerabilities in dependencies.


For any security-related questions or issues, you can contact the project maintainers at:

Thank you for helping us keep AI Blog Article Generator secure.

Last updated